Honoring Black History Month

February 2024 Newsletter #42

Pictured above, St. Agnes Hospital in Raleigh, North Carolina, is a celebrated Historically Black Hospital. An article on the African American Registry provides historical context.

"Black hospitals have existed in three broad types: segregated, black-controlled, and demographically determined."

“Until the rise of the American Civil Rights Movement, hospitals in the South and the North denied Blacks admission or accommodated them exclusively in segregated wards, usually in undesirable locations such as unheated attics and damp basements."

"Blacks founded hospitals to meet the specific needs of the African American communities. Provident Hospital in Chicago, the first Black-controlled hospital in America, opened in 1891. Racism in Chicago prevented Black nurses and doctors from practicing, thus eliminating health care for black patients."

The quotes above from the article, would likely resonate with today’s care professionals in the Long Term Care (LTC) sector – especially people of color. They face similar cultural headwinds, rarely earn a living wage, and aren’t always treated with respect, dignity, or compassion. The LTC industry needs to embrace a cultural reformation that fully addresses underlying systemic social and economic issues. So that one day every care professional will earn a living wage and will live a life of dignity.


It’s brand new. It’s always improving! Check it out here.


We also launched the Quality Care Assessment. It’s a free scorecard that lets you know where your community currently stands on the four dimensions of quality culture: person-directed care, improvement culture, teamwork & communication, and attention to efficiency and organization. It’s based on research. Check it out!

Why Embrace LiveWell?

Staff are exhausted, overwhelmed and burned out. And when they leave the industry it’s often for good.

Lack of staff continuity increases the risk for falls, med errors, on the job injuries — and even litigation. We’ve documented the high cost of not developing a culture of improvement. And we know that financial pressures faced by owners are real.

The LiveWell Method reduces falls, med errors, and injury by giving teams the practices and tools they need to create a safe, high performing, positive workplace culture. Communities that have done LiveWell in the past have had excellent results. Email Barbara Kohnen Adriance for more information.

Barbara Kohnen Adriance

Barbara leads the LiveWell project through her company, The Malden Collective. She has been working with APD and many committed stakeholders to develop the program since 2015. She is committed to building healthy and sustainable communities and has long experience building organizations and programs that seek to transform individuals and organizations in the US and Latin America.


The Malden Collective and Rose Villa Senior Living Pair Up to Launch the LiveWell® Tech Accelerator!